Monday, December 29, 2008

Out side the box #1

Good after noon, well Christmas is past and I hope each of you had a very happy Christmas. Now for what we have been waiting for, outside the box. some may think that Bro. Freeman is about to go wild. but that is not the case unless you consider the word of God wild. We as Missionary Baptist have over the years put ourselfs in a box of traditions, where every one must do the same thing the same way every time or they are considered to be "unscripturial" by some. Let me say this that every thing we do should be Because we love God and love people.Matt.22:37-40. that is what the whole Bible is based on. Sooooo. Here we go out of the box. One of the more controversal issues is music and insturments. The Bible has many insturments. But NO Piano so how come we think it is a must. I am an old man as you can see by my profile and I remember when Churches in north east Ark. had great debates over getting a piano in the Church Building. up to that point they had used Pump organs. that was an organ that was played by air that was pumped through a bellous usually by a young Boy while the insturment was played by an older person. Soooo let us not get so holy that we cannot use what ever insturment that can be played for Gods glory. What do you think? let me know.


  1. I agree Bro. Freeman. I've attended churches that played organs and pianos and it was worshipful. I've also attended churches that used guitars and a variety of band instruments. Those were also worshipful. In fact, the church we attended yesterday had drums, three guitars, a flute and a saxophone. The music was beautiful and condusive to worship. Thanks for challenging for our thinking.

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  3. Bro. Younglandmarker, Please define Rock and Roll. Rock and roll goes back about 55 years and has several different changes. it originated with a man named Bill Haley. the same era ingluded Elvis Presley and those of that time. It changed a lot with the advent of the Beetles. and has changed many times since. I certainly am not a fan of modern Rock, Hard Rock and a few other spin offs. Music no matter what style must be "worshipful" Marlin Freeman.

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