Friday, October 30, 2009

Your opinion please!!!

In I Cor 14 there is much information given to us about "tongues" Many today translate tongues as other languages. if all this be true would it be correct to actually say that this section of scripture teaches the need for us to communicate clearly today? Your opinion please.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Why so long?

It has been a while since I have posted. I am not about to to bury my blog but have been limited for a couple of reasons. One was health related, two,and three. were weather related, the most devastating was a storm hit and destroyed My office and all my electronic helpers, IE computer, fax, printer, two phones,and every other electrical thing that I had. But I am back, now ready for some more"spirited" LOL, conversation. from my very own equipment. SOOOOO. let her rip.