Friday, November 12, 2010

Blogs and Bloggers.

I really cannot understand why some people set up a Blog, then make comments that they know are controversial, and when they get comments that do not agree with them they remove them from the comment section.
What is the problem? If you want to talk to your self, and are not interested in the thoughts of others, why don't you just go out to the front porch and sit and talk to your self. What do you others think?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Churches and finances

OK Here we go again, New subject, so far I have visited three local Associations this fall. There seems to be a general concern being voiced, in the Devotionals, and messages. that is the lack of growth in the Churches. there also seems to be a concern that the Churches are declining. The reports from the Mission projects all show concern for lack of support.
Are we out spending the ability of the Churches to give? What do you think?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Silence broken

Well what should I say? the blog has been silent for far too long,
I have not quit blogging, You guys have been saying it all and I have been LURKING, and posting replies on your blogs, that way I do not get credited with stirring up trouble.
There are a few subjects left to discuss.
1. How do you think evangelism should be done?
2. is the church the personal representative of God commissioned to Cary out His kingdom's business until Christ returns?
Well I guess that is enough to get started on. What do you think?????

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brethren, I am very concerned about the lack of growth in our Churches, some seem to be on the Verge of death and there seams to be many people who think that is just natural.
Do you think that we should put more emphasis on re-building? or what do you think we should do? Marlin Freeman