Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Churches and finances

OK Here we go again, New subject, so far I have visited three local Associations this fall. There seems to be a general concern being voiced, in the Devotionals, and messages. that is the lack of growth in the Churches. there also seems to be a concern that the Churches are declining. The reports from the Mission projects all show concern for lack of support.
Are we out spending the ability of the Churches to give? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I very well see that apostles had a right to require full salary and "live of the gospel", but I don't know that any elders/pastors/bishops in the Bible were ever full time salary.

    Of course, I do see multiple elders in every church mentioned in the Bible, so I don't believe there was need for a "full time" salaried pastor as such. Rather many elders shared the responsibility of pastoring. (Before anyone argues this, please give Scriptural evidence that shows the word pastor, bishop, or elder referring to a single leader of a church).

    This would solve the problem. Churches supporting apostles (one's sent, the word which is translated into latin and then to English as missionaries). We could support missionaries if we supported pastors less. And once those missionaries can establish a church with elders as we see in the Bible, they would no longer need support.

    Just my opinion, though certainly not a popular one I'm sure. I ONLY base this on my Scriptural studies, so maybe I'm insane.
