Monday, June 8, 2009

ABA Seminary's #2

There is a method behind this madness. My computer continues to kick off. so I will do some short posts and You can sort them out. Some who oppose Seminaries say that they can learn without them. They miss out on the several varied views that can be had in School, plus the great challenge that is offered by other Students. If you cannot stand spirited debate, give and take, then School is not the place for you. But You will always be dodging the challenges that will certainly come your way. In one of our ABA seminary's you can expect to learn, the Bible, how to manage a Pastorate, Missions, Defence of the faith, some Counseling for many different areas of life, Greek, Hebrew, English, in the language department, Speech, some Debate. And you will have a host of Pastors that will treat you like a Son. Not a Grand Son. More later. comments please.


  1. Good post Brother Freeman. Remember that some may not be able to attend. I know you know this and aren't speaking against them, I just wanted to let you know this post came across a little bit like not attending is a bad thing.

    I would like to also join brother Freeman in encouraging others to go to seminary if they have the opportunity. I did indeed learn MANY ministerial practicalities I most likely wouldn't have learned outside of it, as I was a member of a church with a single pastor who was sub-par. Anyway, the professors who taught at LMBIS helped me learn so much in a short period of time, and I will be eternally grateful to the LORD for those instructors, for that seminary, for my classmates and for the sponsoring church - Calvary MBC (Minden, LA).

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  4. Removed above to repost.

    Bro. Marlin, I do not know which blogs or message boards you are reading. But I have engaged in some debate on this subject some brethren probably of your acquaintance. I must say that there is a quite a difference between "running down seminary education" and asserting that there is a more biblical model. I am all for whatever education one gets, though that doesn't mean I have to agree that the way he got it is the most biblical way. Same with the gospel message. I am glad for all persons hearing the gospel, however they hear it. That doesn't mean I have to agree that the way they heard it is the most biblical way.

    Concerning ABA seminaries, as far as I know all but one are sponsored by one local church only. There is one in Florida sponsored by four churches.

  5. Bro. Vaughn. At least two brethren on the Landmark Board have spoken aganst seminaries. I tryed to go back and find their comment but was unsuccessful, due to the vastness of the Board. but one was a Grad. from the school in Little Rock. the other had never been to School as far as I can tell.

  6. Bro. Marlin, I don't fit the two that you mention above. I have probably "spoken against seminaries" there in the same way I did on my own blog -- Every church a seminary. But I think there is a distinction between that and "running down seminary education". Maybe not in the minds of some, but it is in my mind.

  7. I'm glad you explained your views on seminaries a little more fully, Bro. Vaughn. I missed the wrinkle of distinction. I get it and see where you are coming from.
