Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have a personal opinion to express. I think that a" so called" preacher named Jones who loves to stir people up by burning the Koran is a complete idiot. this man brings shame on all Americans. This land has always prided its self on being a land of "freedom of religion" there is no call what so ever to enrage people to the point of causing death, because you do not agree with their religion. I would suggest sending this guy JONES to one of the Muslims nations as a missionary. What do you think?


  1. Surely that fellow just wanted attention...bad!
    I can't believe it took this long for some of the Muslims to hear about it.

    But they burn, get rid of Bibles all the time.
    Islam can only help but grow because democracies allow it to flourish. While Muslim countries squash Christianity wherever they can. Shame.

  2. It was out of pure stupidity that he did this. I may feel that the koran is an ungodly book and that burning it does it justice, but I don't think that I would get the media involved so it could be spread. This preacher, in my opinion, just wanted attention and recognition. If he really wanted recognition he should be more vigilant about soul winning. You think?
