Monday, August 17, 2009

First love/First work

In the Letters to the seven Churches in Rev. 2&3 the very first Church Ephesus is the only one that received the threat of loss of authority to be a Church. if that be the case then is the greatest violation against the Lord the love that has grown cold,and the desire for soul winning, our "first work" that has waned, caused the most grief to our Lord? and for this reason He is most unhappy with us ? Then by this, should We make Soul winning our top priority above everything thing We do, and put all else in line behind this? What do you think?


  1. Our love for the Lord and for our fellow man should be first (according to Jesus) and then, if our "first love" is there, we will certainly want to win souls!

    I'm convicted continually about not witnessing as I should.

  2. I'm not sure they were the ONLY ones threatened with loss of authority. I'd assume the LORD spewing a church out of his mouth might be different symbolism for the same action. Removing a candlestick or spewing it out of His mouth... either one seems as though He distances Himself from them.

  3. Bro. Freeman,

    Notice that the Lord commended their (church at Ephesus)stand for the truth. IMO, I see all parts of the Great Commission of EQUAL importance. Also, it is important that our spirit be kind and gentle in dealing with those who are ignorant of the truth. I am convicted of this.
