Monday, July 13, 2009


We have heard much debate from the ABA meeting, and now from Youth camps. Could it be that some have a belief system, and then try to prove it by the Scriptures. while others have a belief system based on what the scripture teaches? Comments please.


  1. Our belief system should, of course, be based on what the Bible teaches. Many Christian groups (for example, those who teach baptismal regeneration) developed a belief system and then try to pull 3 or 4 verses out of context to justify what they believe.

    I suppose there could be several categories in one's belief system:
    1)Bible doctrine (ex.blood redemption)
    2)Bible interpretation (ex. pre-trib, mid-trib,etc.)
    3)Church traditions or customs (ex.contemporary music or not, hymn books or projectors,etc.)

    It seems that most of the blog debates and discussions fall under #'s 2 and 3. Most ABA folks are pretty sound on doctrine. But then there's Bible interpretation and church preferences.

    I say let the Bible shape our beliefs and don't manipulate the Bible to support my pet ideas.
    (Except when I need to remind Tracy of that "wives submitting to your husbands"...that comes in handy every once in a while :)

  2. That's probably when Tracy reminds you of a thing or two!!! Haha!!!
